Day 18

1 Corinthians 9:6-7 – Here’s the point: he who plants sparingly also harvests sparingly. Each should give according to what he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

What happens when a seed is planted in the ground?

A single seed planted in the ground can produce many seeds. God’s principle of planting multiplies the original gift. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of times wherein your seed (offering) was multiplied by God, and how God blessed your life.

The scripture above teaches us that God expects us to “purpose in our hearts” what we are going to give so that our giving is not done is a grudging or compulsory manner. As you get ready to talk to God about your commitment for this stewardship initiative, write down previous stewardship pledges that you completed and how God blessed your life as a result.

Lord, clearly show me how You want me to contribute to our new church building. Make us unified in purpose and place the joy of giving in our hearts. May Your house be a priority, as a result of seeking first Your Kingdom, I believe you will add everything else I need.