Day 16

1 Corinthians 16:2 – Every week, on Motza’ei-Shabbat (Sunday), each of you should set some money aside, according to his resources, and save it up; so that when I come I won’t have to do fundraising.

Have you ever saved a long time for something very special that you desired? How did you feel when you reached your goal?

Think about the last time you saved up for a great offering or sacrifice for the Lord. Now think about how God supernaturally blessed your life because of that offering. Ask the Holy Spirit how you can become an even greater giver.

Identify something you really want or want to do and how much it’s going to cost you. Think of all the ways you can generate the funds to get it or do it. Now consider giving the money you would spend for that thing or event to the church for the advancing of God’s vision. Take note of your heart’s first reaction when you were asked to consider giving the money you saved for something you want to the church.

God, I recognize that everything I have comes from You, and I treasure the lives of people more than any
possession I own. I plan to honor You by giving to build a building for Your church whenever I am presented with an opportunity to give.