We Care

Helping provide masks for the heroes on the frontlines combating COVID-19

There are moments in life that happen so quickly that you are forced to react and respond without much thought or planning. And you do so, not because you are prepared, but simply because you CARE too much to not do anything. Our country and the world at large is living in one of those moments. The “We Care” initiative is our way of being God’s extended hand during these uncertain times. 


What is it?

“We Care” is a program powered by The Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom World Outreach International church located in Southeast Houston where we are simply pooling all our resources together to produce FREE 100% cotton masks for medical and other essential professionals.

*100% cotton masks are good enough to filter out hazardous particles and bad smells. While the masks are not N95 certified, they are not meant to replace surgical masks but are machine washable and large enough to wear over the top of an N95 mask. These masks will help to keep hands off of faces — one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of the virus.

“....when we were advised to not have church to help minimize the spread of the coronavirus, we began praying and looking for ways we could still have an impact in our community. Fortunately, God opened a door and we are excited about being able to
help these real life superheroes.”
Dr. Dana Carson
Sr. Pastor, The R.O.C.K. World Outreach International

Hours of Operation:

Monday through Friday 10am-12pm and 6pm-8pm
(closed on Wednesday evenings)

Address: 9321 Edgebrook Drive, Houston, TX 77075

There are 3 ways
you can help:

1. Donate

You can submit monetary donations to $ROCKHQ on CashApp or by clicking the button below. Select or enter "Covid-19 masks" as your giving category.

2. Volunteer

We need willing individuals to come and help with an open mind and a big heart!

3. Pray.

Join us in praying for the essential workforce on the frontlines fighting COVID-19 and for the volunteer team that has come together here at The R.O.C.K.

Additional Information

Donations for Drop-Off:

Donations such as irons, ironing boards, 100% cotton fabric, needles, thread, sewing machines, cleaning supplies (to clean sewing machines) can be delivered during our hours of operation.


Monday through Friday 10a-12pm and 6pm-8pm; closed on Wednesday evenings. Quantities are limited to 20 masks per essential professional. Special orders are available upon request.