Camps and Retreats

At The R.O.C.K., we take our children and youth on multiple camping trips through out the year. These camping retreats are times for them to learn more about their faith, connect with other children and youth that are apart of the ministry, and enjoy outdoor games and activities.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is our summer week-long Bible infusion camp for children ages 5-12. VBS is filled with Bible learning and drills, games, and excitement. VBS provides our children with the opportunity to pick up a few tips on how to improve Bible knowledge by offering projects and activities that focus on God. VBS is a joy and relief for both parents and children as our children enjoy the pleasure of learning about God in a very fun and friendly environment. The children also receive delicious meals and snacks during VBS. Every summer, VBS is a special time for our workers and our children, as they encourage and nurture the growth of their love of God!
Spring Break Day-Camp
Do your children get bored with nothing to do over spring break? Bring your kids ages 5-12 to our annual Spring Break Day-Camp. Each day of this camp holds a different focus. Your child will explore fine arts, sports, robotics, math, science, and culinary through natural experiments, projects, exciting games, and learning activities. These activities will propel them to their next level of learning and exposure for future success in life and ministry.
Kingdom Kidz Summer Camp
Every summer, our Kingdom Kidz world heads out to designated camp site for a week of fun in the sun. Upon arrival, the boys and girls break-off into separate groups, and get squared away in their cabins. During this week, the kids take part in daily bible study sessions and are given the chance to lead their own bible discussions. After getting spiritually charged, everyone heads out to enjoy all that the site has to offer. This retreat site offers all kinds of games and activities from archery and sports courts, to canoeing and paddle boarding.
Kingdom Kidz World Prayer Palooza

Our children have an untapped power that resides in them for warfare. Every year Kingdom Kidz World hosts a Children’s Prayer Palooza. It is an all day event that includes training children about powerful prayer, how to pray, and the importance of prayer! We invite all children to get equipped to become prayer warriors. Watch your calendar for this event that happens twice a year.

“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” – Psalm 8:2

Kingdom Next Youth Summer Camp
Every year, our youth ministry packs up, puts their electronics away and heads out for a week-long get away at Stoney Creek Ranch. During this week, our youth and youth leaders shut out the outside world to dig into God and enjoy the outdoors! While away, they participate in bible studies, prayer sessions, and are given multiple options for fun outdoor activities throughout each day. This christian retreat site provides Land,Sky,Water, and shooting activities for everyone to enjoy. From swimming, and rock climbing, to zip lining and kayaking it’s impossible to leave without having a BLAST! Any one between the ages of 12 and 18, member or non-member is welcome to come along and experience this week in the outdoors.
Carson Youth Leadership Camp
At the R.O.C.K., we value preparing our young people to become future leaders! This annual youth camp gives all of our youth a chance to learn valuable business insights, and leadership skills from industry leading minds. We provide them access to established business professionals, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, and individuals who have studied organizations, business, and leadership on in their perspective fields. This invaluable experience will help to prepare your child for greatness.